Christian Campbell, manden bag
Christian Campbell er respekteret, anerkendt og en lille smule ”frygtet” for sin evne til at fremprovokere resultater: Mere salg, mere vækst, effektive strategier og kulturer, der skaber energi internt og commitment eksternt.
Christians overordnede mål er, at optimere måden vi bedriver forretning på, så den bliver endnu mere lønsom, for både virksomheden og individet. Hans personlige drivkraft er at facilitere og fremprovokere gennembrud i mennesker, og derved i forretningen. Siden 2004, i regi, har Christian samarbejdet med en bred og varieret vifte af virksomheder, heriblandt nogle af de mest respekterede og indflydelsesrige virksomheder i både Danmark og internationalt.
Christian Campbell er uddannet psykoterapeut. Hans speciale er at kombinere relevant psykologi og traditionel forretning med hinanden, og skabe håndgribelige og relevante resultater hermed. Ofte anerkendes Christian for sin evne til at analyse mennesker og situationer præcist, samt hans uovertrufne evne til at formidle budskaber.
Christian trives bedst, når han arbejder med udfordringer, der er så ambitiøse, at de: ”Gør mig lidt svimmel”. Han søger hele tiden at skabe banebrydende gennembrud, uanset hvor umuligt omgivelserne synes dette måtte være.
Christian has worked with me the last 3 years as development coach for my sales team and myself . He has changed my leadership life ! Christian is an amazing coach, visionary and able to inspire confidence and courage in the people he is working with! Never afraid to challenge and provoke with disruptive ideas.
Some of Christian’s insights ( especially the 4 roles model) have influenced the way I lead , recruit and develop my teams for ever ?
“I have been working with Christian as a coach for approximately one year, first in groups and later in one to one sessions. He likes to call himself provocateur, I don’t see him as that though he is definitely not a “yes man” either. To me Christian has been challenging with difficult questions but always the mindful and right ones. He has a unique skill to get in where you move yourself and where he makes you look for ways forward. He has a solid understanding of people and situations which allows him to hold up a mirror in front of you that gives you clarity of the situation and how you and others behave or are predicted to behave.
It has been very useful to get some time talking about me in a busy schedule where most time is spent with a focus on others. Christian and I took each other on a journey that was honest, painful at times, fierce and left me feel vulnerable but the purpose was always to progress with development in mind. I attribute a lot of my achievement in navigating through a difficult period in my career to him. I recommend Christian if you are looking for sparring and self-development but you will need to be ready to expose yourself, put your ego aside and be willing to work hard to achieve progress.”
“Jeg kan varmt anbefale Christian til enhver organisation eller individ. Gennem mit arbejde sammen med Christian, har jeg opleve, at han er utrolig dedikeret til sit arbejde og at han som coach får folk til at bevæge sig derhen, hvor de aldrig troede, de skulle nå til. Christians ydelser giver i høj grad “Value for money”, men de giver bestemt også personlig udvikling!”
Jeg har i flere omgange haft fornøjelsen i at samarbejde med – og gøre brug af Christian Cambells formidable talent og viden i netop, at bryde vanetænkning og forudsætninger for at skabe forandring. Bl.a. tilbage i 2012 i forbindelse med et afholdt salgsmøde – hvor jeg var leder af storkundeassurandørerne hos If Forsikring.
Med et både provokerende, involverede og inspirerende engagement – blev alle deltagere maksimalt aktiveret og udfordret. Der blev i stor udstrækning, åbnet op for at se på nye metoder til at bryde vanetænkningen og skabe succes på. Med nyttige konkrete ”værktøjer” – fik alle muligheden for, at arbejde videre med at udvikle nye ideer, potentialer og muligheder.
Selvom det nu er nogle år siden – er det med stærk erindring og med stor fornøjelse, jeg hermed giver Christian de bedste anbefalinger!
“Christian is a consult that works in a very beneficial way in order to make you think creative towards own solutions and take actions and responsibilty towards the issues you may have. He has a great knowledge and are using a language and examples that makes you understand and remember what you learn. Highly recommended if you want to develop both in a team and personal.”
“Jeg har haft fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med Christian de sidste 3 år, han har altid præsteret en helt unik form og metode i hans måde at undervise på. Jeg vil til enhver tid anbefale Christian da han kan skabe gennembrud i hvilken som helst virksomhed. Christian er ikke blot en af mange inden for hans felt – jeg vil beskrive ham som særklasse.”
Har været heldig at opleve Christian et par gange og må sige at budskaberne er klare og præcise. Så hvis dine medarbejdere skulle være faldet lidt ned i tempo og der går for meget “business as usual” i den, så vil jeg anbefale at få Christian ud og flytte fokus og ansvar tilbage til den enkelte.
Provokerende på den gode måde!!
“Jeg deltog i et af Christians glimrende “provokerende” indspark til et netværksmøde. Jeg fik et wake up call i forhold til at turde at tage ansvar for mine egne resultater. Det har betydet at min selvopfattelse har ændret sig i forhold til hvordan jeg kommunikerer med mine kunder, og jeg er blevet meget skarpere i salgs processen. Jeg bruger dagligt de tekniker jeg fik ud af det korte foredrag, og det har resulteret i en markant stigning af leads der bliver til ordrer og super glade kunder. Jeg kan kun anbefale andre at lade sig provokere lidt af Christian.”
“Christian har skabt fokus på mennesket bag resultaterne og givet mig redskaber til at se ting i nye perspektiver, som er med til at skabe det næste gennembrud.”
“I have had the pleasure of working with Christian in two different settings. He has been on the advisory board on a bigger non profit project, I was involved in during 2011/12 and Christian was, with great competence and innovative thinking, helping us with concept and strategy development.
I have in 2013 worked with him in a course of 10 personal sessions. Christian has in a unique –cut the crap- way been an inspiring guide to help me adjust my inner compass.
He uses a mix of provocation, humor, eastern philosophy, psychological expertise and business skills and combines that with his brakethrough system. The brakethrough system, has been a magic tool to help me navigate in new territory and implement the new knowledge to be a part of my personal life mastery strategy. I am absolutely not new to the selfdevelopment field, but have experienced that working with a systemized approach like this is extremely efficient.
I feel a new and still growing contact with my inner strength and am able to navigate through both my personal and business life more constructively. I highly recommend Christian, if you are serious about taking your personal and business life to new levels.”
“Christian is a very dedicated and sublime coach and mentor. He is genuine, he speaks his mind, and he’d rather upset you, and be honest, that tell you what you want to hear. That’s why you will start to move forward, when you work with him… Truely an amazing coach!”
“Christian er en skarp og indimellem provokerende konsulent, som skærer ind til benet. Der hvor tingene er simple, direkte – og kan flytte sig.”
“Christian inspires people. He is one of those professionals that masters the trade of making the complex become simple. His dedication for understanding his clients needs and wants is second to none. Something that makes him a great listener and a person you like to spend time with.”
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Christian, through our lecture business Christian gave a hell of a lecture for nearly 200 of our members, and subsequently sold his amazing book. Christian is one of those people who are authentic, because he does what he says and says what he does.”
“Christian has a unique ability to gleen what is not working for your business from your conversations about your business. His Face2Face sessions are designed for you to discover your own business paradox rather than to learn from those of others. The combination of these sessions and his expertise caused me to not only get the results I was searching for; many consultants can provide that. What Christian provided me was the ability to re-design my offerings and implement ongoing flow and that caused me a business breakthrough which I still benefit from these 2 years later!”
“Christian is an excellent service provider. I can strongly recommend the work he is doing. He is able to create useable tools and minding so that results of the time spend with Christian always brings massive value for money. Christian is loyal towards his beliefes which gives a good and uncomplicated dialogue with a lot of outcome. Use Christian if you to develope and move your business to a higher level.”